At the beginning of the summer, I finally caved and started reading Fifty Shades of Grey
My husband and I like to have "radio dates" a few times a week. While he's a work and I'm at home, we'll both listen to Family Life Today and will talk about it in the evenings. The author of this book, Julie Ann Barnhill
, was on a few days there and I thought this book sounded interesting. After I started reading it, I was a little shocked at what the author shared about how she use to treat her kids. But, all moms are different. I would recommend this book if you tend to explode sometimes towards your kids when you're feeling frustrated. It's got some good tips in there on how to calm down, take a breath and see your kids in a new light.
In addition to reading several books, I also love listening to audio books while I'm doing chores around the house. It helps relax me and tends to make my work go much faster. I love all books by Joel Osteen and I'm a big fan of I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life
- for the audio book version it's about 15-20 minutes to listen to each day. Just enough time for me to get the kitchen cleaned up.
Dale Carnegie's book
How To Win Friends and Influence People
has been around forever, hasn't it? I'm only into the second chapter on this audio book but am already starting to see how what he's saying could really impact my life! I use to think this was mostly a book geared towards people in business but it can really be applied to all aspects of your life.
The newest addition to my collection is the new e-book from Crystal Paine (Money Saving Mom). I'm blogging each day for the next 21 days about my experiences with this book, you can check out my posts here. If you also need some focus in your life, 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life
is a great read. I've been a fan of Crystal's for years now, so I was very excited to be able to read her new book.
Alright, that's my list! Let me know.....
what are you reading now?
Got any books you'd recommend?
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